Register for 2025


The Premier Experience for Leadership Development, Networking, Engagement, and Workshops focused on the Best Practices of High-Performance Organizations.

Who Should Attend? You!

Renowned for its high-caliber content and speakers, the conference offers practical insights and inspirational ideas. Think of leadership as a verb, actions for all leaders. It’s a unique platform where established and emerging leaders at all levels from diverse sectors share, learn, and grow.

The conference will focus on critical aspects of visionary leadership, customer-focused excellence, practical insights, and inspirational ideas and promises an extraordinary journey for every attendee.


Richard E. Boyatzis

Author and professor Richard Boyatzis is a world renowned expert in emotional intelligence, leadership development, and coaching. His work focuses on leadership effectiveness and change at all levels by going in-depth on the neural and hormonal processes within the leader that help or hinder performance; building more renewal than stress; cultivating and nurturing better relationships; and inspiring learning and change in oneself and others.


Jovan Glasgow

The Authentic Advantage: Transforming Your Life and Organization for Unprecedented Excellence

As one of this generation’s most dynamic speakers and leadership coaches, Jovan delivers personal and professional development programs designed to educate, enrich, and empower. His motto is simple but significant: “The absolute worst life to live is a half-lived one.”

Speed Learning

Fast, Fun, and Informative! Imagine mastering new skills and subjects in record time—that’s the power of Speed Learning. You will experience a fast, fun, and educational opportunity to learn more from leading professionals about over 30 timely topics of pertinent interest. That’s Speed Learning.

Speed Learning is the fastest 45 minutes, allowing attendees to engage in three 15-minute round table discussions with some of Sterling’s brightest presenters on the most up-to-date topics of importance.

Storyboard competition

The Sterling Storyboard competition captures your project’s improvement process on a single storyboard. It includes Project Selection, Root Cause Analysis, Solution Development, and Implementation and Impact.

Team Showcase

The Team Showcase Competition is the ultimate team recognition and competition where your team presents your improvement project live-on stage in front of the conference attendees! Projects will be scored against criteria for Project Selection, Problem Statement, Root Cause analysis, Final Solution, Project Implementation, Results and Presentation.

Conference Workshops

Twenty-four workshops are being offered during eight session times covering a range of high performance leadership topics. Each 90-minute session is presented by experts in their respective areas and includes “applied learning” best practices with a tangible “Takeaway” provided which to help you hardwire the workshop session learning. These experts come from a variety of backgrounds and industries.You may attend any or all of these workshops. If you complete six sessions, Sterling will provide you with a Sterling Leadership Certificate. 

View the full track schedule by clicking below.

Leadership Certification

The Leadership Track consists of eight sessions that address competencies required for high-performing leaders and their leadership systems. A leader who has demonstrated results in these leadership competencies will deliver each of these 90-minute sessions. Moving forward from good to great requires expertise in areas such as ethical behavior, a well-defined organizational culture, strategic and customer focus, and making decisions based on the right set of measures and data. Finally, these leadership competencies must be integrated into your overall leadership culture.
You may attend any or all of these workshops. If you complete six sessions, Sterling will provide you with a Sterling Leadership Certificate. 

View the full track schedule by clicking below.

Managing for Excellence

The Managing for Excellence: Performance Excellence Drives Business Transformation track is a dynamic series of eight workshops focused on engaging participants in the critical elements of the Sterling Management Framework. Each workshop is developed to equip attendees with the tools, processes, and collaborative practices employed by high-performing and innovative organizations.

View the full track schedule by clicking below.

Sponsors will be able to …

Be Seen as Industry Leaders

Produce High-Caliber Leads.

Share Success Stories

Target Active Demographic.

The Annual Sterling Conference brings together all elements of a variety of business, government, industry, healthcare, education, not-for- profit, and community organizations to share, learn, and discuss best practices for improving performance excellence affecting future operations and workforces. With general sessions, workshops, networking opportunities, and engagement, this conference allows attendees to learn and use proven processes to improve operations and outcomes.

Average Attendance:  450

Attendee Demographics:  C-Level Executives, Business Owners, Elected Officials, Community Stakeholders, Higher Education Professionals, Nonprofit Directors, Major Employers

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The Florida Sterling Council was formed in 1992, as a not-for-profit, public/private partnership supported by the Office of the Governor. Our extensive corps of Sterling performance excellence professionals maintains exceptionally high standards and saves organizations, as well as the state, millions of dollars annually.

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